
Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Hacking Defending Windows Systems

Hacking Defending Windows Systems | 164.03 MB
Genre: eLearning

This is 9th module of Career Academy - Hacking Modules (17-17) of CEH.
It has all about Hacking Defending Windows Systems, Interest fellows can surely download it.
You just need a browser and Flash player for it to work and virtual drive would be better like power iso or ultra iso.

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[Trick]Download rapid*share Sbg Premium User

2 Technique Download sebagai user premium dari macam2

situs file hosting seperti rapid*share, Hotfile,

Megaupload, Uploading.

Gw udah test dan 99% fully working!

Technique 1
Cukup buka website di bawah ini dan masukan link file

yang ingin di download:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Technique 2
Masuklah ke situs di bawah ini:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Username: public (harus isi sprt ini)
Password: public (harus isi sprt ini)

-Klik Login
-Setelah login, klik Download yg terletak di pojok kiri bawah
-Masukin link yg kalian inginkan di kotak yg besar di tengah2 layar dan klik Download
-Kalian akan mendapatkan link baru
-Copy Paste link tersebut di address browser

Kedua Trick ini support IDM dan memiliki fitur resume.

Dan rasakan perbedaan download speed nya!!
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Materi Java Programming dari JENI

Sebagai awalan untuk belajar bahasa pemrograman Java, teman-teman bisa belajar dari Materi JENI:

JENI-Intro1-Bab01-Pengantar Pemrograman Komputer.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab02-Pengenalan Bahasa JAVA.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab03-Mengenali Lingkup Pemrograman Anda.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab04-Dasar-Dasar Pemrograman.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab05-Mendapatkan Input Dari Keyboard.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab06-Struktur Kontrol.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab07-Java Array.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab08-Argumen CommandLine.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab09-Bekerja Dengan Java Class Library.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab10-Penulisan Class.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab11-Pewarisan, Polimorfisme, dan Interface.pdf
JENI-Intro1-Bab12-Penanganan Pesan Exception.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab01-Review Konsep Dasar.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab02-Exception & Assertion.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab03-Teknik Pemrograman Lanjut.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab04-Tour dari Package java.lang.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab05-Aplikasi berbasis Text.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab06-Algoritma Sorting.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab07-Abstract Windowing Toolkit dan Swing.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab08-GUI Event Handling.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab12-Stream IO Lanjut.pdf
JENI-Intro2-Bab13-Pengenalan Generics.pdf
JENI-J2ME-Bab01-Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile.pdf
JENI-J2ME-Bab02-Memulai Pemrograman Mobile.pdf
JENI-J2ME-Bab03-High Level User Interface.pdf
JENI-J2ME-Bab04-Low Level User Interface.pdf
JENI-J2ME-Bab08-Web Services.pdf
JENI-J2ME-Bab10-Optional Packages.pdf
JENI-J2ME-Bab11-Topik-topik Tambahan.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 1-Pengenalan Pemrograman WEB.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 2-Basic Servlets.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 3-Advanced Servlets.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 4-Dasar JSP.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 5-SQL dan JDBC.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 6-JSP Lanjutan.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 7-Pengenalan MVC.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 8-Advance PDF.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 9-JSF.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 11-Keamanan WEB.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 12-Development Tools.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 14-AJAX.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 15-Design Pattern.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-Bab 16-App Case Study.pdf
JENI-Web Programming-COVER.pdf
JENI Stacks.pdf
JTechnopreneurship Program.pdf
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Cara mudah di approve Google Adsense

Blog anda belum diapprove google ?

Nih ada sedikit trik - triknya agar dapat dan cepat di approve google !
Tarik nafas !
Jangan tegang !

1. Buat blog ( ya ialah )

2. Lalu pilih template dan susun secara teratur.

3. Nah ini paling penting ! Post lah artikel dalam bahasa inggris, minimal 25. Walaupun google adsense sekarang dah ada yg bhs indonesia. Tapi biasanya sulit di approve jika menggunakan artikel bhs indonesia.

4. Usahakan bahasa dalam blog anda tidak bercampur atau lebih dari satu. Gunakan bhs inggris semuanya. Jangan ada banyak postingan bahasa indonesia. Om google tidak mau menerima jika ada banyak bahasa di blog. Nanti kalau telah di approve om google, baru anda boleh ganti bahasa dalam blog anda.

5. Sudah selesai ! langsung aja daftar ! Ingat Pilih bhs Inggris.

6. Jangan pakai email yang pernah ditolak google. Gunakanlah email baru dan usahakan email tersebut dari google mail.

7. Selamat menunggu kabar dari google.

Sekian trik - triknya. Semoga bermanfaat !
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Free Artikel Bahasa Inggris buat Blog

Bagaimana dapat artikel bahasa inggris sebanyak itu ??
yang boleh di copy-paste ?
kan susah tuh buat artikel bahasa inggris..

Nih ada yang nyediain ...
Simak ya... - your one-stop source for free articles. Do you need contents to add to your web site? Or articles for use on your opt-in newsletters and e-zines? ArticleCity has scoured the web and indexed a huge collection of articles on various subjects. Just click on the appropriate category to read the articles.

Maksudnya tuh nyediain artikel-artikel emang untuk ditaruh di blog atau web, jadi tuh amat sangat boleh di copy-paste..
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Buat Link download di Blog ! (dapat uang lagi)

Gimana cara buat link di blog ??!!

Salah satu tempat anda menyimpan link download ialah di

Keuntungannya ialah, jika ada 1 buah file yang di download orang lain, maka anda akan mendapat $.0,001

silahkan klik di bawah ini :

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Forum - Forum untuk Para Blogger

Sebagai sesama blogger, kita harus menjalin hubungan yang erat, yang nantinya akan bermanfaat bagi kita. seperti sharing satu sama lain... Bekerja sama atau keuntungan yang lainnya.

Untuk menjalin hubungan tersebut kita haru masuk forum yang khusus blogger seperti :


Atau bagi blogger di propinsi Sumatera Utara dapat masuk forum


Keuntungan masuk forum bukan hanya itu saja, kita juga dapat mempromosikan blog kita di forum itu dengan banyak posting di forum tersebut.

Dan juga masih banyak forum - forum lain seperti forum - forum IT yang terkenal :



Mungkin hanya ini saja yang bisa saya tulis.
Maaf Jika ada kesalahan ...
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Buat Judul Blog Bergerak !

Banyak cara untuk mempercantik tampilan blog !
Salah satunya buat judulnya jadi bergerak !!

Caranya ialah dengan memasukkan kode di template blogmu !!

saya tahu cara ini dari A-agen Blog
Ni dia langkah - langkahnya

1. Masuk ke blog kamu
2. Pilih menu menu "Layout" > "Edit HTML"
3. Centang "Expand Widget Template"

4. Backup Template kamu kedalam notepad
5. Cari kode didalam template
6. Rubahlah kode tersebut dengan kode dibawah ini :

Angka 200 (yang berwarna merah), menunjukkan kecepatan bergeraknya dari judul blog kamu, angka tersebut bisa diganti sesuai yang kamu mau

7. Save Template atau Save Changes
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.Ber-karaokean Sepuasnya Dengan Minilyric 7,0

Kadang sewaktu kita memutar lagu di komputer baik dengan WMP, Winamp, AIMP, dan lain-lain, Kita ingin ikut bernyanyi apalagi yang gemanr dengarin musik. Tapi banyak kendala-kendala sehingga kita nyanyi gak puas dan belum maksimal, salah satunya ialah lirik yang tidak hapal, atau ribet mengeluarkan catatan lirik baik berupa tulisan, notepad, ataupun page-page dari internet.

Nah untuk mengatasi kesulitan itu semua, ada suatu software yang bagus untuk kita karaokean di komputer yaitu Minilyric.

Minilyric merupakan suatu software yang berupa plugin di muic-music player seperti WMP, Winamp, dan sebagainya..

JIka kita telah menginstall Minilyric, otomatis sewaktu kita memutar player baik WMP, Winamp,ataupun yang lain maka minilyric tersebut terbuka dan menunjukkan lyric lagu yang diputar..

Jika lirik tersebut belum muncul kita dapat mencarinya dengan memasukkan nama artist dan judul lagunya..

Biasanya jika lirik belum muncul salah satunya disebabkan judul lagu tersebut tidak sinkron, seperti unknown artist ataupun yang lain.

Langsung aja download minilyric di link di bawah ini :
Link Download
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Cara Decrypt MD5 Dengan Cain & Abel

Ternyata CainAbel juga dapat mendecrypt Code MD5 dengan sangat mudah. Jika belum mengetahui apa itu MD5, silahkan baca disini.

Berikut cara menggunkana software CainAbel untuk mendecrypt Code MD5.
1. Yang belum mempunyai software CainAbel silahkan download disini.
2. Instal CainAbel di komputer anda.
3. Buka CainAbel.
4. Pilih Cracker lalu MD5 Hashes. Lihat gambar berikut.

5. Klik 1X pada bagian yang saya beri nama seperti gambar di atas.
6. Maka akan muncul tanda tambah (+). Lihat gambar berikut.
* Klik tanda tambah (+) tersebut dan akan keluar kotak MD5.
* Masukan Code MD5 yang ingin anda decrypt lalu klik OK.
7. Setelah itu klik kanan pada kode MD5 tadi dan pilih Brute-Force Attack. Lihat gambar berikut.

8. Klik Start dan tunggu hasilnya akan keluar.

Okey, sedikit trik sederhana dari saya semoga dapat membantu sodara-sodara sekalian.
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Forum-Forum Penting

Mungkin banyak yang bingung termasuk anda, sewaktu menjelajah di dunia maya (alias internet )

Timbul pertanyaan :
Dimana tempat aku ngumpul dengan orang - orang, ngobrol-ngobrol, sharing dan lain-lain ?

"FORUM" itulah jawabannya...

Nih, saya ingin memberitahu forum-forum yang mungkin anda inginkan...

1. KASKUS : tempat forum bebas ( jika anda ingin info-info atau memperluas pengetahuan, gabung aja )

2. INDOWEBSTER : tempat forum bebas

3. KUMPUL BLOGGER : tempat forum para Blogger (bagi anda yang suka ngeblog, gabung aja)

4. FORUM BLOGGER SUMUT : tempat komunitasnya / forum para blogger Sumatera Utara

5. JATIM CREW : forum tentang hacking, cracking dll ( jika anda ingin info-info seperti : defacing, dll ; gabung aja )

6. Yogyafree XCODE : forum anyar yang seperti Jatim Crew
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Hack Yahoo Menggunakan Software Yahoo Password Decryptor 2011

Yahoo Password Decryptor hanya memunculkan Username dan Password yahoo orang. Dan software ini dapat memunculkan password yahoo orang dari bermacam-macam browser seperti Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome dan lain-lain. Mari kita lihat langkah-langkah menggunakannya.

1. Download YPD disini.
2. Buka YPD
3. Klik Start Recovery.
4. Maka akan muncul Usernae dan Password. Lihat Gambar.
5. Klik Show Password untuk melihat password.

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Whatsapp: Aplikasi mirip BBM yang Dapat Berjalan di Berbagai Jenis HP (Multiplatform Messenger)

Whatsapp adalah aplikasi messenger yang mirip dengan Blackberry Messenger (BBM) yang awalnya dibuat untuk Iphone. Sekarang applikasi ini bisa berjalan di Blackberry, Android dan Symbian (Nokia). Applikasi ini memungkinkan HP kita bisa chat / BBM-an dengan BB walaupun HP kita bukan BB. Atau chat dengan Iphone, Android, dsb atau sering disebut multiplatform messenger.

Ane pengguna Android nih, dan WhatsApp ini sama banget dengan BBM, ngebantu ane mesenger-an / BBM-an ke rekan2 baik yang BB maupun yang non-BB.
Jadi aplikasi ini menurut ane aplikasi yang merangkul semua golongan.. hhe.. :)

Fitur :
Multiplatform messenger
WhatsApp dapat digunakan antara berbagai platform ponsel, seperti Blackberry, Android, I-Phone, Dan Symbian(Nokia).

Not Text Only
WhatsApp memiliki fitur untuk kirim Gambar, Video, Suara, dan Lokasi GPS. via hardware GPS atau Gmaps. Media langsung ditampilkan dan bukan berupa link.

Message Status Icon
Akan ada empat icon yang muncul dan menjelaskan status pesan.
- Jam Merah untuk Proses loading di HP kita
- Tanda Centang jika pesan terkirim ke jaringan
- Tanda centang double jika pesan sudah terkirim ke teman chat.
- Silang merah jika pesan gagal


Untuk downloadnya secara resmi langsung aja ke :
Lalu pilih apa platform ponsel anda.
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Hack im3 cara I = sms dan telfon GRATIS

Pingin punya sms unlimited dengan nomor sendiri.

Langkah 1:
Tentu saja ucapkan Bismilahirohmanirohim (Penting loh meningkatkan persentase keberhasilan )

Langkah 2:
Duduk manis di depan computer anda!beli cemilan dan coffe klo yg ngerokok ya sekalian siapin rokok!…

Langkah 3:
Buka lah

Langkah 4:
Masuk form registration
Bagi yg sudah daftar jgn bawel ye…ini buat yg belom daftar!…
Langkah 5:

Apakah cara ini hanya untuk penguna Im3??
Oh tentu tidak kan ada combantrin…eh maksud saya cara lain hehehehe…

Langkah 6:
Save page registration tersebut ke mana saja ( klo saya recommended ke desktop aja biar enak)

Langkah 7:
Open page yg sudah di save tadi dengan ( open with notepad )

Langkah 8:
Saat nya edit meng edit…
Coba temukan Tulisan , seperti gambar di bawah ini ( yg saya lingkari )

Udah ketemu????

Lalu lanjutkan dengan menambahin/mengedit form tersebut seperti gambar di bawah ini

Lihat gambar di bawah ini…

Lalu boleh anda save dan coba lihat page editan tersebut
Klo anda bener nyettingnya Pasti gambar nya kek gini

Langkah 9:
Saatnya mengubah action dr page editan tadi!
Oke buka lage page editan yg sudah anda save!
Jgn lupa open with notepad ye…

Langsung aja edit nga pake lama…

Langkah 10:

dan copy keycode dengan cara ,copy image location seperti gambar di bawah ini

Lalu buka/Kembali ke page yg di buka dengan notepad…
Dan temukan script seperti gambar di bawah ini!

Dan ubahlah yg saya tulisan yg saya lingkari dengan cara Paste Seperti gambar di bawah ini!

Lalu save dan jalankan page yg sudah di edit tadi dengan browser apa saja!
Mau mozila kek mau IE mau apa kek terserah!…
Lalu akan muncul form registration yg telah kita edit tadi!dan ikuti saja langkah langkah selanjutnya!

ANDA berhasil jika setelah submit QUERY anda mendapatkan pesan bertuliskan…

PASSKEY akan dikirim dalam waktu paling lama 2 x 24 jam
Congratulations anda bisa ikuti langkah2 selanjutnya dan segera ke form sms untuk sms sepuasnya!…

Jika anda tidak mendapatkan pesan tersebut!berarti anda gagal…

Semoga Berguna…
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Ways To Access Blocked Any WebSites

 Websites like facebook , twitter  and other social networking sites are generally blocked in schools, colleges and offices. There exist some tricks by which you can bypass  the restrictions and access blocked sites, the most obvious is the use of proxies or Anonymizer websites . But using proxies doesn’t always works as they gets blocked by firewall as well . Here I am listing some other methods to access blocked contents.

1. Use IP instead of URL

Each website has its equivalent ip address . This method works best when blocked sites are stored as a list of URLs  .You can use  ip address  to access blocked contents . For example to access facebook you can use  ip address in your address bar. You can use to find the ip address of other websites.
2. Use Google Cache
All major search engines like Google yahoo and Bing stores cached pages of websites themselves.
You can access blocked websites by viewing their  cached copy on search engines.
3. Translations services
Translation services like Google Translate, translate a website from one language to another and  display thetranslated results on their own page .You can access the blocked website by re-translating  blocked url using such online translation services.
4. Retrieve web pages via Email
Web2Mail is a free service that sends any websites  into your inbox. All you need to do is send an email to with the URL as subject title.
5. WayBack Machine
Wayback machine periodically keeps a copy of almost all websites on the internet  from the date they have started . You can access your blocked site by fetching its latest copy from archives.
6. allows you to view any website in a different resolution. This could be an interesting tool to access blocked websites.
7. Google Mobile Search
Google Mobile Search displays a web page as if you are viewing it on a mobile  phone .You can use it to access blocked websites but javascript and css will be disabled.
8. Redirect with Short URL service
Short URL service are used for converting a long URL in a shorter one. You can convert your blocked url into a shorter one and use  it to access blocked websites. This trick dont always works. The two popular url shortening service are and
9. USB Browsing
You can use this method if you have access to usb port, you can load usb with your own portable Firefox, with the  portable Tor plugin  or you can directly use  tor-firefox.
10. Proxy Websites
This is the generally known method to access blocked websites. There are thousands of online proxies you can use to surf anonymously or to access blocked websites.

90 Proxy Websites To Access Blocked Websites

Proxy websites allows us to bypass our current ISP’s IP and connect to targeted website with a different IP; thus hiding our actual origin from detectable. Internet users use proxy websites for various reasons, some to access websites potentially blocked by their colleges or workplace, some use it to test their scripts. I frequently used them to test geo-location ads or to check if DNS are properly propagated when I adjust their settings.
I’ve decided to bring this entry back from archive to front page after receiving tones of emails asking for alternative proxies. here’s my personal collection on proxy websites. Full list after jump.
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WLAN Security Megaprime Course

Happy to announce the general availability of the WLAN Security Megaprimer course DVD!

With over 40+ HD videos containing 12+ hours of Wireless Ownage, this DVD weighs in at around 4.2 Gigabytes.

Direct Download Links:

1. Mirror thanks to Mister_X from the Aircrack Team:

2. Mirror thanks to Chaos Darmstadt:

3. Mirror thanks to (both IPv4 and IPv6!):

4. Mirror to the BofH of Nikhef (both IPv4 and IPv6!):

5. Mirror thanks to y0ug:

6. Mirror thanks to Bernard from :

7. Mirror thanks to djekl :


1. Torrent thanks to Christiaan Rakowski:

2. Torrent thanks to Tobias Koopmann:

MD5 Hash: 939d8aa5eb2cd0fa63295953ecf36580
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List of Best Proxy Servers

What is a Proxy server ?

In computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application program) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource, available from a different server. The proxy server evaluates the request according to its filtering rules. For example, it may filter traffic by IP address or protocol. If the request is validated by the filter, the proxy provides the resource by connecting to the relevant server and requesting the service on behalf of the client. A proxy server may optionally alter the client’s request or the server’s response, and sometimes it may serve the request without contacting the specified server. In this case, it ‘caches’ responses from the remote server, and returns subsequent requests for the same content directly.(Wikipedia)
So here is the List of best anonymizers and proxy servers o bypass webfilters !
Anonymouse – a very good free anonymizer. By using this CGI proxy you can anonymously surf web pages, send anonymous e-mails and look at news.
URL (for proxy chaining):
ShadowBrowser – anonymously surf the internet and protect your Internet history at the same time. No software to download and supports SSL websites. – This anonymizer service keeps websites from tracking your internet movements by preventing them from placing cookies on your home computer.
URL (for making proxy chaining): – Anonymous private surfing service, hide your ip, manage website ads, referrers and cookies through this free web based proxy.
URL (for proxy chaining): – Free anonymous browsing, for the times when you REALLY need to hide your ass online!
URL (for proxy chaining): Free webbased proxy. By using this proxy you can surf the Internet securely and safely. This anonymizer service keeps websites from tracking your internet movements by preventing them from placing cookies on your home computer.
URL (for proxy-chains): – Proxy Foxy offers you free anonymous surfing. With our free tool you can surf the Internet safe and secure without revealing your identity. Avoid cookies, spyware and other malicious scripts.
URL (for making proxy chaining):
78Y.NET – It is a web anonymous web proxy designed to bypass proxy restrictions through a web interface. If, for example, in your university, college, job, etc, the IT department blocks a lot of harmless websites simply because of their popularity, so you can use 78Y.NET proxy service to access those websites.
URL (to create proxy chains): - 75I.NET is anonymous CGI Proxy that allows anyone to surf the Internet privately and securely without any restrictions. 75I.NET anonymous web surfing proxy service is free.
URL (to create chains of proxies): – This anonymizer always hides your IP address, so all sites will not be able to uniquely your identify or track you. You’re able to access from your school, college, university, etc, the websites, which are restricted by your IT department.
URL (for proxy chaining):
Proxy Guy – The Proxy Guy offers free anonymous surfing. Now you can surf safe and secure with the click of a button.
URL (for making proxy chaining): – Games Proxy helps you to play all your favourite flash games free online by using fast secure web proxy. Apart from playing free flash games you can also use Games Proxy to browse all your favourite sites such as ebay, hotmail & more! – It is a free internet service which allows you to surf anonymously and it “changes” your ip. You can also use it to access/bypass blocked websites on your school or office.
URL (for making proxy chaining): – Anti-firewall redirector. It allows to hide your IP and a name and a type of the file you gets from internet. Now corporate internet firewall will not be able to determine your internet activity. – Fast and Secure US Proxy. PHP Based, and very easy to use. Completely free, and will keep you anonymous while browsing the internet.
URL (for making proxy chaining): – This is a free CGI proxy with HTTPS support. This service also includes the usual features including removing client side scripting, showing text only and enabling or disabling cookies. It also supports rotate13 or base64 URL encoding. Mirror1 Mirror2 Mirror3 Mirror4
URL (for making proxy chaining): – This is a free, safe, anonymous web proxy with configurable options. Browsing anonymously with increases your security and lets you access web sites from behind a firewall.
URL (for making proxy chains):
 It is a free anonymous web based proxy service. With Ninja Proxy you can browse your favorite web sites anonymously and even from behind a firewall with blocked ports.
URL (for making proxy chains):
ShadowSurf free anonymous proxy – Surf privately and 100% anonymously with ShadowSurf’s FREE web proxy. You can access blocked sites while keeping your IP secret. No software needed.
URL (for making proxy chaining): Proxy – Free browser based anonymizer without any software. Bypass bans and hide your ip through proxy.
URL (for making proxy chains): -
 Free proxy site with a cgi proxy tool, daily updated proxy lists and information on anonymous and https proxy servers. 
URL (for creating proxy chain): – Proxy Spy protects your privacy and keeps your computer secure by allowing you without revealing your IP address or personal information. Proxy Spy has a range of features including disabling javascript, encoding URLs to bypass filters, disable showing of images, reject cookies etc. Proxy Spy is hosted on a fast server with high uptime – this means you can always count on it, day or night, to protect you. – TheProxy always hides your IP address, so all sites will not be able to uniquely your identify or track you. It`s absolutely free. Mirror Mirror1
URL (for making proxy chains): – Very fast US based PHP proxy. Very easy to use, and very quick. ProxyPrince will keep you safe and secure. Anonimity is our main concern, your tracks are sure to be kept hidden. – Free anonymous web proxy. Bypass blocked websites and browse privately at work or school. Shields you against cookies, spyware and malicious scripts. – Free Anonymous Browsing. Hide your IP and get past school and work filters.
Clever Proxy – Clever Proxy is a smart and intelligent web-based proxy service. It allows you to remain anonymous whilst using the internet. By using this anonymizer you will also be protecting your computer because when you surf anonymously people cannot find out your IP address and attempt to hack you.
A Proxy Site – A Proxy Site is a simple and reliable web-based anonymizer. By using it you can bypass filters and remain completely anonymous whilst surfing the internet. It has many features including blocking JavaScript and cookies.
Fully Sick Proxy – Fully Sick proxy allows you to remain anonymous on the internet by routing web requests for you. This means you can stay protected and also disable javascript and block cookies. Our site is fast and reliable too.
Desire Proxy – Desire proxy is a premium free anonymous proxy. It provides many of the features of the paid services for nothing! These include cookie removal, no image browsing and more. Keep anonymous and keep secure with Desire Proxy. We know what you desire!
Perfect Proxy – Perfect Proxy is just that – perfect! It provides excellent reliability and website support and also keeps you anonymous in the process. It has many additional features to add to the experience.
Prime Proxy – Prime Proxy provides a great free proxy service to the general public. It keeps you anonymous and safe whilst browsing your favorite websites. Prime Proxy is used by students and adults in many different situations. Try us today – it’s 100% free!
Proxy Aware – Since you’re visiting you must be proxy aware, so why not check out Proxy Aware? It’s a perfect free proxy which keeps you anonymous whilst browsing the web! It has many additional features such as cookie blocking, disabling images and URL encoding to bypass school and work filters.
Proxy Craze – At the moment there is a proxy craze going on, and Proxy Craze is proud to be part of it! With a delicious serving of features to make any proxy user cry, Proxy Craze is the proxy of choice! Features include URL encoding, cookie blocking / image blocking, and a neat interface!
Proxy Gasp – Our proxy is so good it will make you gasp – as the name suggests. To use this proxy simply type the URL into the website and gasp.your at the site remaining totally anonymous! This means websites cannot record your IP and later use it to hack or send you junk!
Proxy Please – Well, thanks for saying please! This is a great proxy site with all the usual features including cookie blocking, no images, URL encoding all whilst being extremely fast and reliable. If you want to bypass filters then this is the site you need!
Some Proxy – Easy to remember domain, great features, and nice and fast! Keeps you totally anonymous whilst browsing the internet, and allows you to bypass filters and school or at work. Features include URL encoding and cookie blocking!
Stupid Proxy – Despite the name, this proxy is anything but stupid! If you’re going to use a proxy, use Stupid Proxy! It’s no frills yet great to use including many simple features that will make your life easier including URL encoding (bypass filters) and imageless browsing. Enjoy!
That Proxy – Which proxy – this proxy? Why not! A bunch of excellent features, fast and reliable and a clean and neat design are all reasons why you should choose ‘That Proxy’! By using our site you will remain anonymous and avoid security issues like people hacking your computer.
Want Proxy – For you to be at this site you must want some proxy, so all you need to do is type that in, and finish it with a .com, and you’re done! ‘Want Proxy’ is an excellent proxy site that you’ll end up using all the time. It’s a favorite amongst students and workers who want to bypass filters. – Unblock MySpace is a free service created to view MySpace proxy website from school and work computers through a PHP and CGI backend (web based proxy). This site uses the server proxy IP for surfing the web anonymously. Protect your privacy! Surf Anonymously! Bypass Security Filters! Private Browsing! – Free and secure cgi web based proxy site. Surf the net from Work, school or home. Keep your info safe from hackers. – Free and secure cgi web based proxy site. Surf the net from Work, school or home. Keep your info safe from hackers. is a free easy to use cgi proxy service that blocks cookies and hides your IP to keep you anonymous as you surf the web. ProxyDetective – Simple and Free cgi-webbased anonymous proxy surfing. Surf safely from your work, school or home. – Access your webmail, myspace, and much more in school or work anonymously. – Access blocked websites in school or work safely and anonymously. Surf with Ad Free Browsing Pages! – We do not sleep until you have a safe route. Use us at school, work or home. We can bypass most filters. – Hide your movements via our anonymous proxy. Our proxy will bypass school and work filters. – We allow you to bypass your school and work filters to allow you surf the internet anonymously.
Other anonymizers
Anonymization – free web anonymyzer. Supports anonymous web surfing, anonymous web seek (meta search by many search engines) and FTP surf – surf anonymously in any FTP server. By using this web proxy you can surf anonymously more than web pages.
URL (for proxy chaining):
Guardster – good anonymizer. Controls cookies, scripts, ADs, images and referrers.
URL (for proxy chaining):
ProxyWeb – good anonymizer, can delete Java, JavaScript, cookies and ActiveX. Also this web proxy uses HTTPS (secure) connection – so nobody can detect what you download from Internet.
URL (for proxy chaining):
WebWarper – This is a popular free web anonymizer. This CGI proxy can pack web pages “on the fly”.
URL (for proxy chaining):
MegaProxy – Free anonymizer can work with HTTPS sites.
URL (for proxy chaining): – free web based anonymizing proxy. Instant access, no download, no registration, and no fee required.
URL (for proxy chaining):
Anonymizer.RU – russian anonymizer: this russian CGI proxy has many additional options only after registration.
URL (for proxy chaining):
The-cloak – This is a free CGI proxy. This anonymizer supports HTTP, FTP and HTTPS sessions. Can hide referrers. Requires payment..
URL (for chaining proxy):
Pure privacy – cool anonymizer + remailer. You can use this anonymizer to send anonymous e-mails (by using this anonymizer with anonymous proxy)
URL (for proxy chaining): – Good fast anonymizer that can remove cookies, ADs, referrers and can use HTTPS connections.
URL (for proxy chaining):– The better cgi proxy server. It has many different features, inclusive enabling / disabling cookies, all scripts, AD banners, referrer information, browser and OS info and many more.
URL (for cgi proxy chaining): – Good cgi proxy (anonymizer). It uses 128-bit SSL-encoding. Can enable/lock Java, JavaScript, Cookies, ActiveX.
URL (for creating anonymizers chain): – Psurf is one of the fatest proxy services on the net. Using new and advanced technology to help you bypass your school firewalls and filters. Allowing you to view what you want, when you want!– The 121 relationship between you and annonimity. Fast, reliable and secure! Mirror1
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